Hello and welcome!
I’m Jess, the owner of Sew Much Moor. We are an independent fabric shop, located in Tavistock, UK, a small town on the edge of Dartmoor. Our goal is to provide you with beautiful, yet affordable dressmaking materials that will help you to create your own me-made wardrobe at an affordable price. We stock a wide range of modern and fashionable independent dressmaking patterns as well as a selection of super useful haberdashery.
Sew Much Moor was first launched as an online only fabric shop in February 2021 during lockdown 3.0 here in the UK. I ran the website from the spare room of my parent’s house for the first 6 months but quickly realised I was running out of space. So, in late November 2021 I signed the lease on our first bricks and mortar store and opened our doors for the first time in December 2021. It was a crazy first year of business, but I loved every second!
My personal love story with dressmaking started in 2019 which was when I made my first ever garment. Previously to this, I had sewn for many years and made numerous cushions, bags, blankets, and patchwork quilts but I had never ventured into the world of dressmaking as I had always deemed it to be beyond my skill set. The first item of clothing I made was the Coco top by Tillly and the Buttons and I instantly fell in love with it and realised it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. 6 months later, in April 2020 I set up our Instagram account. Initially it was just going to be a page for me to share/document my makes so I could keep track of them, but I quickly was drawn into the Instagram sewing community and loved being surrounded by people with similar interests. I still use that account now and really love the community we have created. Our handle is @sewmuchmoor if you fancy giving us a follow 😉
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy browsing our website and shopping our beautiful fabrics.
Jess x